One of our values is to live generously.
This goes way beyond our finances, but our financial generosity gives a window into our spiritual life.
Biblical Giving
Jesus said that where our treasure is, our heart is also. So as an act of worship, God desires we give back to him some of what we earn.
The Bible teaches that the tithe, i.e. giving the first 10% of our income to the local church, is a starting place for giving. Beyond that, you’ll find many opportunities to be generous such as the missions offering and special benevolent projects we undertake as a church.
Ways to Give
Drop Off on Campus
When you are on campus you can drop off your tithes and offerings in one of several drop-off boxes located throughout campus.
By Mail
If you prefer to send your tithe or offering by mail, you can send it to the following address:
Bayside Baptist Church
6100 Highway 58
Harrison, TN 37341